What was working great in V7 with medium settings is not looking good even with high settings in WiP
hi @Piotr can you share a (simple) example that meshes well in v7 but fails in v8?
WiP with max settings
V7 with medium settings
example.3dm (3.8 MB)
The great thing about V7 medium settings is that it is not blowing file size very much, kind of great balance between file size and display quality. I would love to have it back.
hmm, something funny is going on. Restoring defaults in V8 seems to give you the mesh you are after, but as soon as the simple slider is moved unexpected things are happening, still figuring out exactly what is going on.
Yeah, that’s the point. Sometimes default is not enough and I’m trying to improve the visual quality, especially when working with more complex stuff. Thanks for having a look at it.
I’ve made this report:
RH-76874 Mesh settings behave in an unexpected way