Can't apply my pattern to this polysurface?

I have been trying to use flowalongsrf to apply this pattern to my form, it was a subd shape turned into polysurface. Many attempts later it still only detects one surface out of the rest so I have to use flowalongsrf manually on every surface. Please need help hopefully doesn’t require grasshopper :frowning:

What are you expecting it to be able to do to somehow wrap that pattern around the whole shape? It’s not magic, it only works on one surface at a time. You would have to make some sort of “proxy” single surface to flow along. Also, you need to buy Rhino.

Every time a corporate license is found :,3

A baby Rhinoceros starves…

Do the right thing for McNeely the mascot :sob:


Ok so how do I make it neater because it’s not as seamless as I want it to be? Still a student so what do you expect.

It’s cheap and you own it forever and ever~


give me later this year after i graduate and get a job? pls

But then you have to get a commercial license :exploding_head:

jokes aside student license is actually a very good investment you can even use it for commercial work so it’s future proof

Plus you are on rhino 7 cracked version if there is any issues or bugs chances are no one can help if you encounter those problems which can give you problems with assignments for school

Also if uncle Bob doesn’t get his coffee he gets grumpy and takes it out on mcneel staff there is just so much on the line here…

Just a suggestion get Rhino 8 when you can for a good price, hope you solve the modelling issue.