The attached, simple script for a form has a ComboBox
on the top-right (The list
). I want to change its background color. But nothing changes when I add this line to its control definition:
cb.BackgroundColor = Colors.Green
What is the proper way to do this or, despite being listed in the documentation for Eto Forms, does this not work for a ComboBox? Note that changing the background color of other controls on this form does work (see background behind the word: something).
ETO Example (10.5 KB)
#Purpose: This script will demonstrate how to do different things with an ETO form
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs import Rhino import Rhino.UI import Eto.Drawing as drawing #from Eto.Drawing import Colors from Eto.Drawing import Bitmap, Size, Font, FontStyle, Color, Colors, FontFamily, ColorHSL import Eto.Forms as forms from Eto.Forms import TextAlignment from System.Collections.Generic import Dictionary from scriptcontext import sticky hues = [(233/255.,1,0.01),(233/255.,1,0.05),(233/255.,1,0.08),(233/255.,1,0.13),(233/255.,1,0.18), # 4 (233/255.,1,0.23),(233/255.,1,0.34),(233/255.,1,0.45),(230/255.,1,0.5),(223/255.,1,0.5), # 9 (216/255.,1,0.53), (210/255.,1,0.53),(206/255.,1,0.5),(202/255.,1,0.5),(198/255.,1,0.5), # 14 # Magenta = 213 (194/255.,1,0.5),(190/255.,1,0.5),(186/255.,1,0.5),(182/255.,1,0.5),(178/255.,1,0.5), # 19 (170/255.,1,0.5),(162/255.,1,0.5),(157/255.,1,0.5),(152/255.,1,0.5),(148/255.,1,0.5), # 24 # Blue = 170 (145/255.,1,0.5),(142/255.,1,0.5),(139/255.,1,0.5),(136/255.,1,0.5),(133/255.,1,0.5), #29 (130/255.,1,0.48),(128/255.,1,0.48),(122/255.,1,0.48),(116/255.,1,0.47),(108/255.,1,0.47), #34 # Blue_Green = 128 (100/255.,0.8,0.47),(90/255.,0.6,0.47),(85/255.,0.75,0.47),(68/255.,0.80,0.47),(58/255.,0.9,0.48), #39 # Green = 85 (49/255.,0.9,0.48),(43/255.,1,0.45),(40/255.,1,0.47),(36/255.,1,0.49),(33/255.,1,0.5), # 44 # Yellow = 42 #(30/255.,1,0.5),(27/255.,1,0.5),(24/255.,1,0.5),(21/255.,1,0.5),(18/255.,1,0.5), #49 # Orange = 21 (30/255.,1,0.5),(27/255.,1,0.5),(24/255.,1,0.5),(21/255.,1,0.5),(18/255.,1,0.5), #49 # Orange = 21 (15/255.,1,0.5),(12/255.,1,0.5),(9/255.,1,0.5),(8/255.,0.9,0.4375),(8/255.,0.9,0.375), # 54 # Red = 9 #(15/255.,1,0.5),(12/255.,1,0.45),(9/255.,1,0.4),(8/255.,0.9,0.4),(8/255.,0.9,0.375), # 54 # Red = 9 (8/255.,0.85,0.30),(8/255.,0.85,0.24),(8/255.,0.9,0.19),(8/255.,1,0.14),(8/255.,0.95,0.12), #59 (6/255.,0.8,0.1),(0/255.,0,0.15),(0/255.,0,0.25),(0/255.,0,0.35),(0/255.,0,0.45), #64 (0/255.,0,0.55),(0/255.,0,0.65),(0/255.,0,0.75),(0/255.,0,0.90),(0/255.,0,1.), #69 (0/255.,0,1.)] # Duplicate last color for interpolation of last point. #================ This section defines sticky variables ======================== class TestDialogArgs(): # Initializer def __init__(self): self.ABC = 0 self.pickABC = 0 self.expand = False self.box_visible = False self.box_something = 'Something' #================ This is the section that defines the form ==================== class TestDialog(forms.Dialog[bool]): def __init__(self, args): if sticky.has_key('test_settings'): self.Args = sticky['test_settings'] else: self.Args = args my_font_size = 10 # Define the tool tips ToolTips = Dictionary[str,str]() ToolTips['A'] = 'Pick one of these letters' ToolTips['The list'] = 'This combo box should change based off of the letter' ToolTips['OK'] = 'Perform the task' ToolTips['Cancel'] = 'Close this task' ToolTips['Text'] = 'Type something here' ToolTips['Expand'] = 'Expand the form' # Build the form self.Title = 'Experiment with ETO' self.Padding = drawing.Padding(10) self.Resizable = False # Create a groupbox for the radio button list self.m_groupbox = forms.GroupBox( Font = Font('Segoe UI', my_font_size, FontStyle.Bold), Text = 'Pick a letter', Size = Size(150,90), Padding = drawing.Padding(0, 5, 0, 5), TextColor = Colors.Brown) grouplayout = forms.DynamicLayout() grouplayout.Spacing = drawing.Size(5, 5) # create a radio button list for the groupbox above self.m_radiobuttonlist = forms.RadioButtonList( DataStore = ['A', 'B', 'C'], ToolTip = ToolTips['A'], Orientation = forms.Orientation.Vertical, SelectedIndex = self.Args.ABC) self.m_radiobuttonlist.SelectedIndexChanged += self.OnRadiobuttonChange # try to get the combo box to change with the radio buttons grouplayout.AddRow(self.m_radiobuttonlist) self.m_groupbox.Content = grouplayout self.m_radiobuttonlist.Enabled = True # create a group for the combo list box self.n_groupbox = forms.GroupBox( Text = 'The list', ToolTip = ToolTips['The list'], Padding = drawing.Padding(5, 5, 5, 5), Font = Font('Segoe UI', my_font_size, FontStyle.Bold), TextColor = Colors.Brown) grouplayout = forms.DynamicLayout() grouplayout.Spacing = drawing.Size(5, 5) # create a combo list box for the group above. cb = forms.ComboBox() cb.DataStore = ['first pick A', 'pick A', 'third pick A'] cb.Font = Font('Segoe UI', my_font_size, FontStyle.Bold) cb.TextColor = Colors.Blue cb.BackgroundColor = Colors.Green cb.SelectedIndex = self.Args.pickABC cb.Enabled = True cb.MouseWheel += self.OnWheel # OK to specify delegate for event here in this format. self.n_combobox = cb """ self.n_combobox = forms.ComboBox( DataStore = ['first pick A', 'pick A', 'third pick A'], Font = Font('Segoe UI', my_font_size, FontStyle.Bold), TextColor = Colors.Blue, SelectedIndex = self.Args.pickABC, MouseWheel += self.OnMouseWheel) # No legal to include this here. """ grouplayout.AddRow(self.n_combobox) self.n_groupbox.Content = grouplayout # Create a label cl = forms.Label() cl.Text = 'Enter here' cl.Font = Font('Segoe UI', 11, FontStyle.Bold) cl.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Left cl.TextColor = Colors.Green cl.MouseDown += self.OnUp self.m_label = cl """ self.m_label = forms.Label( Text = 'Enter here:', Font = Font('Segoe UI', 11, FontStyle.Bold), TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Left, TextColor = Colors.Green) """ num = 50 # Create a text box self.m_textbox = forms.TextBox( Text = self.Args.box_something, Font = Font('Segoe UI', 10, FontStyle.Bold), TextColor = Colors.Brown, BackgroundColor = ColorHSL.ToColor(ColorHSL(hues[num][0],hues[num][1],hues[num][2])), ToolTip = ToolTips['Text']) # Create a checkbox for expanding the page self.n_checkbox = forms.CheckBox( Text = 'Expander', Checked = self.Args.expand, Font = Font('Segoe UI', 12, FontStyle.Bold), TextColor = Colors.Red, ToolTip = ToolTips['Expand']) self.n_checkbox.CheckedChanged += self.OnExpandCheckedChanged self.n_checkbox.MouseDoubleClick += self.OnUp # Create a text box self.not_visible = forms.TextBox( Visible = self.Args.box_visible, Text = 'Was not visible', Font = Font('Segoe UI', 10, FontStyle.Bold), TextColor = Colors.Brown, ToolTip = ToolTips['Text']) # main form Okay button self.DefaultButton = forms.Button( Text = 'OK', Font = Font('Segoe UI', 12, FontStyle.Bold), TextColor = Colors.Green, ToolTip = ToolTips["OK"]) self.DefaultButton.Click += self.OnOKButtonClick # main form Cancel button self.AbortButton = forms.Button( Text = 'Cancel', Font = Font('Segoe UI', 12, FontStyle.Bold), TextColor = Colors.Red, ToolTip = ToolTips["Cancel"]) self.AbortButton.Click += self.OnCloseButtonClick #layout the form layout = forms.DynamicLayout() layout.Spacing = drawing.Size(5, 5) layout.AddRow(self.m_groupbox, self.n_groupbox) layout.AddRow(None) layout.AddRow(self.m_label, self.m_textbox) layout.AddRow(None) layout.AddRow(self.n_checkbox) layout.AddRow(None) layout.AddRow(self.not_visible) layout.AddRow(None) layout.AddRow(self.DefaultButton, self.AbortButton) self.Content = layout # These 3 lines set RadioButton font to Bold. Use Default for regular font. self.Styles.Add[forms.RadioButton](None, self.setFont) def setFont(self, radioButton): radioButton.Font = drawing.SystemFonts.Bold() # this section created functions for the main script def GetRadioButton(self): return self.m_radiobuttonlist.SelectedIndex def OnWheel(self, sender, e): print e.Delta.Height i = 1 if e.Delta.Height > 0 else -1 next = min(2, max(0, self.n_combobox.SelectedIndex + i)) print 'Current index = {} next = {}'.format(self.n_combobox.SelectedIndex, next) self.n_combobox.SelectedIndex = next def OnUp(self, sender, e): a = 1 print a # this section is for changing the combo list based off of the radio button selection def OnRadiobuttonChange(self, sender, e): if self.m_radiobuttonlist.SelectedIndex == 0: self.n_combobox.DataStore = ['first pick A', 'second pick A', 'third pick A'] self.n_combobox.SelectedIndex = 0 print "should be A" # does something go here? elif self.m_radiobuttonlist.SelectedIndex == 1: self.n_combobox.DataStore = ['first pick B', 'second pick B', 'third pick B'] self.n_combobox.SelectedIndex = 0 print "should be B" elif self.m_radiobuttonlist.SelectedIndex == 2: self.n_combobox.DataStore = ['first pick C', 'second pick C', 'third pick C'] self.n_combobox.SelectedIndex = 0 print "should be C" def OnExpandCheckedChanged(self, sender, e): if self.n_checkbox.Checked: self.not_visible.Visible = True self.ClientSize = drawing.Size(self.ClientSize.Width, self.ClientSize.Height + 25) else: self.not_visible.Visible = False self.ClientSize = drawing.Size(self.ClientSize.Width, self.ClientSize.Height - 25) def GetComboBox(self): return self.n_combobox.Text def GetText(self): return self.m_textbox.Text self.Close(False) def Expander((self, sender, e)): self.ClientSize = drawing.Size(200,200) def SaveArgs(self): # Save latest setting in Args so sticky can recover them at next startup. self.Args.ABC = self.m_radiobuttonlist.SelectedIndex self.Args.pickABC = self.n_combobox.SelectedIndex self.Args.expand = self.n_checkbox.Checked self.Args.box_visible = self.not_visible.Visible self.Args.box_something = self.m_textbox.Text def OnCloseButtonClick(self, sender, e): # Save settings. self.SaveArgs() sticky['test_settings'] = self.Args self.Close(True) print "This command was cancelled." exit() def OnOKButtonClick(self, sender, e): # Save settings. self.SaveArgs() sticky['test_settings'] = self.Args self.Close(True) def TestETO(): #========================= Use the ETO form =============================== args = TestDialogArgs() dialog = TestDialog(args); rc = dialog.ShowModal(Rhino.UI.RhinoEtoApp.MainWindow) letter = dialog.GetRadioButton() if letter is None: return combo = dialog.GetComboBox() if combo is None: return test = dialog.GetText() if test is None: return #============================ test the output ============================== print letter print combo print test if __name__ == "__main__": TestETO()