I am simply looking for a way to get the text on my dimension in layout to appear on the right hand side of the dimension line rather than the left. In the attached image the dimension leader automatically sets the text on the left/inside (this is what my dimension style has it currently set to) when I would prefer it to be on the right for this particular dimension, which is currently just an exploded dimension with the text manually rotated and placed. I cannot for the life of me find a way to make this happen in the style override menu.
Long answer -
The dim text placement in R6 is view dependent (don’t know whose “great” idea that was) and Fit Text feature is dim line dependent (nothing to do with your view).
You can’t even “rig” it by slightly tilting it like you could in R5 anymore (you have to tilt the dim alot for text to switch to the other side).
Hi. I dont know the answer, but I know, that you have two basic view orientation when looking at the technical drawing. First one is normal - text is above, the second one is 90 degrees rotated to the left. The intention is to reduce possible text orientation on the drawing. It´s not working great when the dimension is rotated slightly to the left. Maybe there should be some kind of option for aligment of the text depending on the angle (flip orientation etc).
Hi Brandon,
Let me confirm that this is the orientation and placement that you are looking for:
The red is what Rhino 6 currently does.
The green is a “mock up” from an exploded dimension that I have using to clarify what you are looking for.
And here are the current controls for text rotation:
Hi Jan:
Could you explain how you see this working?
Where would the controls be in the Annotation style and what would they offer?
I can write up a feature request, but I want to make sure I understand what you are asking for.
Thanks to both of you for your input
Mary Ann Fugier
McNeel Technical Support and Training
Hi Mary,
dimensions are aligned to viewing direction 1 until around 80 degrees (dim D, C) and than it flips the text to a correct side (A, B). I think it should flip the alignment right after 45 degrees. Then you rotate your drawing and see it from thedirection 2. So from my point of view, this is the main issue for dimensions text aligment.
That special option I mentioned could be a definition of a treshold for text alignment depending on rotation of a dim. Now its 0-80 degrees, then flip. Easier way could be an option to flip alignment of the text in properties of a current dim. Sorry for my english, hope you understand.
I disagree with Jan. There shouldn’t be any random angle constraints/controls.
The text placement should always be on the same side of the dimension line of the same dim style. And the text orientation needs to be the only thing that’s dependent on view.
similar issue with text here, when text is oriented vertically, the angle in which you are viewing it will cause it to flip from front to reverse even though you arent “behind” the object.