Can someone please explain me why, sometimes, a vertical dimension randomly change its orientation?
See example below: the ‘20’ vertical label is sometimes flipped (1), sometimes not (2).
Is that a setting to be defined somewhere in the annotation style? I’m slowly going mad about this…
Another question: I expect the dimension label to always point outwards:
Is there a way to achieve that? The text position options seems to be restricted to ‘Above line’ and ‘In line’, no ‘Below line’ option…
It is exposed in Rhinocommon though…
(Pascal Golay)
September 3, 2019, 10:26pm
Hello - can you please post a file that has one or two of these?. My attempts, so far, all look the same and … correct.
Hi Pascal,
Please find the file here: anotation_orientation_sample.3dm (139.4 KB)
Hi @pascal ,
Did you manage to reproduce this issue? Can I help in any way?
Sorry to be insistent, but I consider this problem as a major one, as I’m currently not able to produce serious drawings for my clients. Nobody wants to pɐǝɹ stuff ǝʞᴉl this…
Here again one sample:
Ok, it seems to have something to do with the 'Orient text toward reader…" options.
Oddly, it does not seem to affect all dimensions the same way:
(Lowell Walmsley)
September 10, 2019, 2:28pm
Is there a reason you don’t turn on Orient text toward reader?
(Lowell Walmsley)
September 11, 2019, 5:47pm
Regarding this: I made exactly the same wish post before:
I disagree with Jan. There shouldn’t be any random angle constraints/controls.
The text placement should always be on the same side of the dimension line of the same dim style. And the text orientation needs to be the only thing that’s dependent on view.
“Above line” should not exist and it should read Outside or Inside dim line
(Brian Gillespie)
September 25, 2019, 1:00am