Cannot move slider in Human UI window

Good afternoon!

Thanks for your time!
I just start using Human UI to build interface recently. I created three sliders to set the box room width, depth, and height. There is an extra pulldown menu to make the room rotated for different orientations.
I meet a problem that the control bar of each slider in the UI window cannot be manipulated and seems frozen.
Meanwhile, the sliders in Grasshopper canvas work fine to make everything in the UI window (3D view, three UI sliders) updated accordingly.
Right now, the only effort which seems work is to double click the control bar of the slider in UI window and get the number changed.

Any suggestions would be appreciated!

This is a very common beginner mistake. The issue (and how to solve it) is explained here: (you only need to watch a few minutes starting at about 9:30)

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Hi Andrew,

Thanks for your reply!
I watched this video, particularly for the value listener part. I understand the idea, however, I still have trouble making it work out in my script.

In the video, it is a simple step to compute geometry volume. I am wondering what I should do if I have a complex geometry.
In my case, I have a geometry controlled by several sliders (room_width, room_depth, room_height). I want to show these sliders and a 3D view of the geometry in UI window. I modified the script and currently there is no data generated from value lister directly feeding into AddElements. However, 3D view cannot be shown in UI window. (the node “UI room” is connected with my geometry definition which is controlled by three sliders in the left side)

Should I recreate everything on the right of value listener in order to have all inputs which are originally from sliders connect to value listener, then generate a 3D mesh and connect this new 3D mesh to a “set a 3D view”?

yes, exactly :slight_smile: you can just put any old mesh in “Create 3d view” (although it’s useful if it’s roughly the same size as whatever you’ll ultimately be putting in there). The “set” operation will run automatically, replacing whatever dummy / default mesh you use.

Hi @andheum,
Thank you for the reply :slight_smile: I will try this out.

I’m having the same issue… after adding the “Set slider” components, I am able to move the sliders but just by 1 increment at a time (either 1 unit or if snap value is set - by that value, in my case its 5).
It used to work fine till I had 4 Elements inputted in the Add Elements component but after adding another one it started glitching like that.

Is there a warning in the “add elements” component? Did you watch the video with my explanation? Your screenshot doesn’t really help figure out what is going on.

Ye, ive seen it. Yes there is the warning present.

Then you have something configured incorrectly :slight_smile: But I can’t really help you based on the information you’ve provided here. (139.6 KB)

I’ve marked out some of the Human UI components with red pen. Also about the 3D view I couldn’t really understand how to make it so it doesn’t reset to the default view after each change on the sliders/list items… i’ve currently disabled those components on the bottom right but is that the right way to connect the meshes (currently breps but I assume it converts it to mesh since the model appeared in the window and was interactable, only issue being the resetting after each change)

you are doing exactly what the video cautions against: you are creating an element that depends on the output of a value listener. It appears to be the “Create Label” component. Instead you should create a label with default/ dummy values, and then update it with “Set Label Contents.”

Ah yeah it was the label… I had it all setup with “Set” components but seem i had set up the label incorrectly… now it works… thanks for the feedback! Have a nice day!

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