Cannot Intersect or do much of anything

In the attached I have an extrusion and a sweep1 of a rectangle that has been capped.

For some reason I cannot do a boolean intersection on the two.

Why is this the case?

Intersection.3dm (719.2 KB)

Hi Jim - for some reason the skinny thing has a single kinked surface along its length - use DivideAlongCreases on that and it should all work better. But, is CreaseSplitting set to yes in your Rhino?


The next question would be why a sweep of a rectangle along a line would create something odd (see attached).

Where would CreaseSplitting be set?

Intersection.3dm (704.3 KB)

Hi Jim - CreaseSplitting is a command - on Mac, you want the ‘Split along creases’ item to be checked.
