Cannot get my snap to work along an axis

Hello All.

A bit new to Rhino. I’m struggling with some snapping. And kind of always have. There are times when I just can’t get Rhino to snap the way I need.

Here is an example where I’m simple trying to snap to an object but also stay locked into the z axis…

What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance.

I think the easiest is to use
and choose the option vertical

not sure if there is a gumball-way to do it - as the snap will be on all 3 axis.
but there are people here, that are more gumball enthusiasts then me - so there might be a way - @theoutside - are you getting this gumball enthusiast badge ?

kind regards - tom

Thanks Tom.

Move works well… I just thought there would be an easy gumball method. So easy most of the time to use it to just grab stuff and snap them into place… no commands needed, which is kind of nice… but if I want to lock into 1 axis and move with my gumball… I’m stumped.

… played around …ok there is a gumball way:

turn on smarttrack and project.
work in the Right view - it might be hard to catch your target point.
start dragging.
touch the target point to get a smart track
press shift to get temporary orho
move until you get a perpendicular/Intersection snap.

this workflow also works in perspective, setting the c-plan to world right

it is a pity that gumball does not show the scale handles - otherwise, for this case - repositioning the gumball to the target, then zero-Scale in z would do it as well.

still I think _move with vertical is more robust workflow then above approach / proof of concept.

cheers -tom

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Thanks again Tom. How do I turn on “project”. I’m not familiar with that.

On a side note!
I have figured something out…

I had “smooth” dragging ‘on’ in my Gumball… I switched it to “snappy” dragging and it now works pretty well for me. I can grab one of the gumball axis arrows and then drag it in one axis and it stays in the axis plane as well as snaps to the object in that axis…

And if I grab the white dot of the Gumball… it snaps as normal in all 3 axis… works well so far.

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this sounds like the best solution / workflow with gumball.

project is an option in the snap toolbar.
in your screenrecording at the left, the tab next to Selection Filters.

in short - project will discard the current c-plane-z-coordinate.

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Ok. Got it and found it.

Thanks for the advice!

snappy dragging with gumball for the win!