Cannot Debug Grasshopper Component on Mac Because of Version Conflict

Hi everyone,

I was trying to make s small plugin at RhinoMac,
NuGet VisualStudio2019 Rhinocommon library relased in 29-01-2020 with 6.22.20028.13280,
But my updated RhinoMac verison is 28-01-2020 with 6.22.20028.13212.
Because of it, I cannot open my component in grasshopper. There is option to change NuGet Rhinocommon versions? Or should I wait for new version for RhinoMac?

Screen Shot 2020-02-22 at 23.54.06 Screen Shot 2020-02-22 at 23.54.21

Thanks in advance!

Moved to Grasshopper > Mac category