Can we make the templates tab on the splash screen the default window instead of the recent files tab

Is there a way we can make the templates tab on the splash screen the default window instead of the recent files tab?
This would be great for me as I use my notebook in various places and it’s not always kosher for me to show other files when I am opening Rhino in front of clients.

I guess if the splash screen had the ability to remember the last tab it opened that would solve this nicely for me. That way when I work in private I could open the recent files tab close the splash screen then when I re-open Rhino or activate the splash screen the recent tab would be open.


Not exactly what you’re looking for, but in the mean time you can always start Rhino without the splash screen by adding /nosplash to the command line of the program being started, so as not to have a problem when presenting to different clients.

You can disable the splash screen by adding “/nosplash” to Rhino shortcut Target:

"C:\Program Files\Rhinoceros 5 (64-bit)\System\Rhino.exe" /nosplash

Here’s how to make double-clicking a file not show the splash:

Here’s that full thread for a better explanation of the process: Rhino 5 splash screen is annoying

Thanks I know of that hack, no possibility for my request to make the last tab opened the remembered one? This way users could either see the recent files tab or the Templates tab, the only other option is to hack the splash screen to not open not very elegant.
Thanks for the quick replies

I’ve added this request for Rhino 6:
(no, you can’t see links to our bugs, yet)

Thanks Brian-----