Can the camera position be locked or grouped to object so it moves with object?

I have a cone top of which © is eye height and another as target also top of which (T) is eye height representing a horizontal aimed camera photo.
I have gone viewport properties and go place camera select C point, place target, select T point. set camera focal length and click ok
As I move the C cone in top view I wish the view in perspective window to alter on the fly to show me the new view of my object.
Can the camera placement and target placement be locked to the cone tops so they move with the cones ?

I am trying to match photo to object by establishing where photo was taken from, also adjusting focal length, an experiment of sorts. as other methods have failed.


No, but if you first place your camera and target (in the Perspective viewport) then type Camera and Show, the camera will show up in the other viewports. You can then move the camera’s target control point (along with the cone if you wish) as you want in the Top or other ortho viewports and the Perspective view will change accordingly.


Hi, got it
Did that then in top view with the control points of the ends of my vanishing lines selected along with the C cone and camera cone tip, I used arrow keys and nudged sideways, I then undid the nudges as I also needed the photo to adjust and stay 90 deg to the centre line C to T, so will opt for rotate about the target cone instead, I see though that undoing nudge using multiple undo doesnt see the end of the camera cone also move back to where the C was before nudging it.
Why didnt edit undo also undo the camera movement ?


if you know grasshopper ( rhino parametric plugin) you can also try


Camera movements - like all other view manipulations - are not part of the undo “stack”…


Also, view manipulations are undone or redone by using the Home and End keys - or the UndoView and RedoView commands.