Can’t trim out a shell mesh using a bounding box

Hello all,

Im trying to create a shell lattice pattern (gyroid) inside a bounding box and then thickenning by a certain radius. The problem is that after thickening curves, some surfaces fall outside the original bounding box and Id like to trim them off, leaving only the surfaces inside the said box. The lattice pattern was created using Crystallon. Im using mesh split but nothing seems to happen. Can anyone help me please? Ive uploaded the file. (71.1 KB)

before the mesh split you have one single mesh, after the split you have 144 meshes:

it’s just a matter of finding the big one in the list :slight_smile: (70.0 KB)

[edit] but I see a little problem here that I wouldn’t know how to deal with:

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Thank you, but I dont seem to have the mesh edit tools. So cant use find the different mesh areas.
Using rhino 7 here. Is it fixable?

edit Ok just installed the mesh edit tools but for me the problem persists.
The mesh associated with the biggest area still contains surfaces that are outside the box.
Only some small surfaces have been succesfully trimmed out. (72.5 KB)

If your goal is to “fit” a 3d object (Mesh in this case) in a Box then see what the attached does and try to mimic it via native components (not my game - at all). I.e. first scale and then move a copy of the object in question in x/y/z. (121.9 KB)

BTW: I assume that you want to do some sort of “force absorbing” layout … so you should use the OEM “module” object intact - for more than obvious reasons.

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Thank you Peter. I actually really wanted to cut so to expose some volume of the inner pattern at the box surface. But you did a great job with the scaling script. In the end I solved it another way.

Using the voxelize tool from Crystallon to create voxels that actually surpasses desired shape:

Then filling the voxels with the cell unit I wanted, followed by thickening and all the boolean operations:

Thank you all for the help!

If your goal is to combine (so to speak) the module in question (*) then - obviously - you should use something that can been combined, Meaning that “trimming” against something … well it’s a bit off target. If you want to expose edges on Box faces … well that’s very easy anyway (with a variety of ways)

(*) for instance if the module is Mesh > thicken the appended pieces (i.e. all pieces joined in one Mesh) etc etc.

Anyway I’ve spend some minutes more on that: module is now declared as GeometryBase Type (i.e. accepts a Mesh/Brep object) and a Sporph Morph is added as an option. (129.0 KB)


Great! That seems very advanced. Sorry if I used the wrong terminology, I`m rather new into this.
Thank you very much!

1 to 10 is 0.1.

Anyway your request gave me the impession that you are after things like these (where obviously the - suitable - module object MUST left intact).

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