Can Shaded View->Objects- ....->Point Style = Solid circle be set in C++?


I can do this using Tools → Options:

Here I changed the default Point style from Round with white center to Solid circle.

Can I do this in my C++ code?


You can set the point style ( Rhino C++ API: Rhino) on the CDisplayPipelineAttributes class ( Rhino C++ API: CDisplayPipelineAttributes Class Reference ) .

Here a sample changing display attributes

Based upon your reference, I switched the View to Shaded and then adjusted the Point Style to Solid Circle with this code:

// Get active view.
CRhinoView* pActiveView = RhinoApp().ActiveView();
// Set View to Shaded.
// Set point style to solid circle.
const UUID display_mode_id = pActiveView->ActiveViewport().View().m_display_mode_id;
DisplayAttrsMgrListDesc* pDisplayMode = CRhinoDisplayAttrsMgr::FindDisplayAttrsDesc(display_mode_id);
pDisplayMode->m_pAttrs->m_ePointStyle = RPS_CIRCLE;


After (looks cleaner):
