Cage Edit (rectangle) on a planar srf not allowing control points to edit surface

I currently have a cage edit (rectangle) on my flat 2D surface. The control points move, but the surface itself remains unedited. However, when I move the control points on the edge of the surface, it does edit the surface. I don’t know why I cannot select individual points within the cage edit to edit my surface. Can anyone help? I don’t really want to use a bounding box since I am working with a 2D element and I figure that rectangle cage edit would be best.

Hello - please post your file.


Cage edit forum.3dm (785.0 KB)

Hello - one of your objects appears to have the cage applied with ‘PreserveStructure=Yes’ With that setting and no surface control points in the area you are editing, nothing will change - you can see the lomger surface has very few points so you are probably missing them. The solution is to reapply the cage with PreserveStrcture=No


I just recreated the cage edit with that setting and it still does not work for me. I split the longer segment in half and reduced the number of points. This worked for the shorter segment so I was hoping if I did the same thing, it would work. I’ve attached another file with a cage edit (in the middle). the bottom segment works fine but that middle one doesn’t budge. I’d assume if I made another cage for the top remaining part of the surface, that it would also not work.Cage edit forum 2.3dm (360.9 KB)

Hm - I made a cage and applied it - file attached - I think this is what you are after?

Cage edit forum 2_PG.3dm (214.9 KB)


Would you mind saving that as a Rhino5 file? Sorry I don’t have any of the newer versions yet

Ah, OK - let me make sure this all works in 5…

Seems to - Cage edit forum 2_PG.3dm (141.6 KB)

It’s still not allowing me when I open your file. Could it be something on my end such as my settings? It’s very random which points its allowing me to control.

Hello - do you see the blob that I deformed? If you select the cage and run SelCaptives does the green surface ring up selected?


Hello, yes it does

hm… I am at a loss - I cannot think of a setting - do you have any non-default plug-ins running? But, your image looks like the green surface is still very simple - what I sent was already deformed and made a lot denser - please make sure to open the file I posted a couple of messages up.
