unrollSrf_unexpected.3dm (3.5 MB)
came across this in more complex scenario - but above file and screenshot show some strange behaviour of unroll Srf (Version 8 (8.16.25028.13002, 2025-01-28))
the stripes in the front are ruled and developable surfaces.
the stripes in the back are flat and the result of _unrollSrf
the left surface is split (by isocurve, shrink=yes) into 2 parts and joined to a polysurface.
_unrollSrf behaves as expected
the right and original surface represents the same geometry as the left with a single surface.
_unrollSrf goes crazy
for sure some errors close to tolerance are adding up here - but I thought it s worth share for further development / finetune of the command.
kind regards - tom