Bug? Saving over existing named view via command line

following situation:

I am working in a named view that I already saved, and I want to update it by re-saving it, how can this be done as quick as possible via command line?

I find the feedback in the CL confusing, “source=active” I understand, but “Target=…” does not suggest to save under the name of the active viewport (where I initiated the command.)

I think “Target” should always refer to the existing name of the active viewport so single enter gets the job done. Now I have to retype the exact name to save over the named view.

Am I missing anything? (ps. i want to avoid using the named view panel for this action…)

Hi Daniel -

I agree that would be useful, yes.
RH-73518 NamedView: Offer current named view as target

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Thanks Wim

it used to work like that until the “source/target” option was introduced.

that is many years ago… should have reported it back then :sweat_smile:

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