BUG - Rhino 8 - No Right Click On Key Input Of Group Content

Hi @AndyPayne and @kike ,

Found another small bug. The group content component no longer lets you right click to get menu options on the Group Content component.

You can access the right click menu when the component is disconnected, but when the C input gets connected the K right click menu no longer works. I’m guessing something off in the autopopulate value list for the input?


Is working here,

What kind of content do you have?

Hi @kike ,

Please see the attached file to peek the data.

Unfortunately, it does not seem that Model Objects can be internalized at this point, even as data containers?

I was able to internalize the problemed data set (Polyines, Breps, and Points) which is the G output of the Stretch component.

Graph Space:

The yellow underlined data is the problemed set.

If you need more context and need to see the upstream components from this excerpt let me know and I’ll attach the rest of the code and the Rhino file to get around the Model Object internalization issue.


20230826_Stretch_Component_Causing_Group_Content_Component_Issue_01a.gh (71.9 KB)

OK, it’s fixed now.

It happens when the input content has no User Text defined.


Makes sense as there would be nothing to populate the menu list with.

Thank you @kike !

I have found a problem with the group content component. I downloaded your file Grouping and filtering and the usertext/buildingID works fine s a key but when I opened the component to try some of the other usertext options it changed the way the options were displayed (see picture) and file.The component then had a fault and I cannot get the same format even from a new component…

GroupingAndFiltering.gh (11.7 KB)