BUG Rhino 8 deleting mesh control points result in huge Ngon

Hi all.

In Rhino 7 to delete whole big chunks of a mesh you simply turn on its control point, select the points you don’t want, delete. Easy. Intuitive. Fast. WOW!

In Rhino 8:
BUG Mesh faces delete
Why does this needed to change?
How does “Please delete this vertex for me.” turns to
“Ok i will store it inside another face.” … :joy: lmao???

If you expect user to jump in and out of the filter toolbar all day long… well… not me!

In Rhino 7 I can do anything with CTRL-SHIFT select. Everything is constantly ready, no need to delay workflow. Cases where I need specific filters are extremely rare.

I really want to use 8, but every time I try I find stuff like this every 10 min … :smiling_face_with_tear:

Thanks for the support.

Have nice evening.

Edit: related Inquire how to delete mesh points in Rhino 8