(bug) Layout/ Page - Arctic and Monochrome Detail Print

Version 8 (8.15.24352.13002, 2024-12-17)
really in a pre-chrismas rush - so sorry for not providing super precise report:

Do a Page-Layout and use multiple details, all with perspective, parallel projection.
Use complex geometry consisting of blocks.
set the display to arctic or monochrome

a lot of issues arise:

  • move the detail is super slow
  • print does not show the same result as in modelling view or as in screen preview
  • there are artefacts if print especially with higher resolution
  • Rhino Pdf - check the resulted pdf in Illustrator or Affinity-Designer / Affinity Publisher, there numerous useless, empty layers / containers (from the block definitions ?)
  • unexpected shadows at the boarder of the details
  • no groundplane, overlapping curves, …
  • duplicating a viewport takes several seconds (nearly feels like rhino crashes, I already got panic ;-D
  • duplicating a viewport does not duplicate geometry on hidden layers

Sorry if I am not motivated to dig together a public repeatable 3dm file … will upload the file in question to support later.

kind regards - tom