Looking for some help with an error I am getting; I created a 3D model and added some sections and section drawings; at the time I had defined some blocks and when using the following: _EditClippingDrawings
I was able to modify the drawings of the sections as required; now a couple of months later I have updated the 3D model and trying to update the section drawings but keep getting the following error: Command:
Exit block edit before running sectioning commands. Nothing done.
I have since exploded the blocks, ran the unlock command and reset the Rhino windows interface but no luck so far; does anyone know how to fix this please? Thanks,
I got the following from Rhino help and it worked for me:
"Hi Sam,
thanks for sending it,
I am not sure what happened exactly and I will report it to our developers.
To fix it, please create a block with any geometry > run the command BlockEdit or double click the block > Click OK on the Block Edit window. Delete the block.
Personaly dont know how to fix this but the solution I got was from McNeel helpdesk and the question was answered pretty quickly, I would suggest you submit a support ticket. Thanks,