Bug: Colour shift while zooming in and out

I noticed that the yellow colour of the selected objects shifts to a darker shade upon zooming in and out. It’s quite distracting, not to mention that it makes it difficult to see the objects once they are at a distance where the yellow is not as bright as it should. :slight_smile:

Hello- so far I am unable to repeat this…


Selected object far in the distance are coloured by RGB 255, 255, 0 (bright yellow). However, upon zoom-in the colour suddenly change to RGB 223, 223, 0 for no obvious reason. I tried multiple scenes and the issue remains the same in each of them.

Hi Bobi -

It would help if you could export just a few of those objects in those locations and save a named view in two positions. But… I’ve got a feeling that this might be some anti-aliasing going on that works differently with different drivers and edge drawing is being overhauled in Rhino 8 anyway…