Bug: Boolean Difference Fails

Problem Difference V2.3dm.zip (60.0 KB)

If I try to subtract the thin part in the attached file from the larger part, is fails. The usual tests don’t seem to show any reason why it should.

I can do a the equivalent of a boolean difference step-by-step (split/join) but it is pain.

Hello- I see this, thanks.
So, the problem is the more vertical sides of the square tube are not linear - there is a slight angle


between red and blue, and this means there is a seam in the loft or extrusion there and this happens to coincide with the intersection along there - having an edge correspond with an intersections is often a source of trouble - my guess is if you really intend this to have straight sides and make it that way it will all work fine.


The problem is the part that goes above requires the 1/64" indent on each side. It’s quite deliberate.