Hello all,
I’m currently working on a Revit file that hosts around 500 clashes defined as instances of several families by a general contractor that I have to get geometry info from to send to Tekla.
I then proceeded to do a small file that contains several routines . That file has to be reusable on other files sent by the same contractor so it has to work regardless of the name of the families/types/parameters. I also have to do a user-friendly interface because I won’t be the final user of the script.
Getting the families and types is okay because I can filter them by name and category using the query types component and a name pattern in the “Family Name”/"Name input parameter as shown:
So extracting all the types works great and I then can get the ones I’m interested in using a value set picker and feeding them to a Type Instances component.
But if i then want to extract a specific parameter from the said elements, it gets more cumbersome. Sadly the Query Element Parameters doesn’t seem to support name patterns so I have to get more parameters than I need to, send these to a ParameterKey Identity component, through a Value set picker and in a Query Parameters component again as shown.
Not easy on the eyes. The last query component also a lot of time to compute, around 20 seconds, per parameter, so even though I know I can internalise, it’s tough even with 6 parameters to fetch.
Is there a better way to do what I intend to do ? Thanks