Hi everyone, I have got a question in regard to transferring brep/polysurfaces from Rhino to Revit as Mass categories . There is direct geometry or direct brep component but it does not specify it . Appreciate it if some one through ideas.
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So, there are a few ways to do this. It depends how much flexibility is needed in Revit.
- Directshapes can be used. This if fast and is great for quick models
- Families can be created for each mass and forms and subcategories can be made. This is a bit more involved, but creates Forms in Revit which can be edited by Revit in certain cases.
Here is the general definition:
The steps across that definition:
- Use Elefront to find all the Objects on a layer in Rhino. You could use a Brep Param picker to select the Rhino objects at this point.
- Then Using the Grasshopper Add Geometry as Directshape component add the Breps to Revit in the correct category with a material if you would like.
- The far right of this definition adds a new common parameter to the objects so that View Filters can be used to change the graphics if needed.,
Here is a video on doing with Directshapes:
And another video on using Families/Types to do this:
Might any of this work?
Thanks Scott, , both options are working in my case.