Brazil network rendering

Is there a future for Brazil in the network rendering department? Integration to Rhino is decent from what I see, but it’s a dead end if standalone/network/distributed rendering will not be possible.

At the very least, does a Brazil license operate within an evaluation version of Rhino, and is there a discount on site licenses? For then, it should be fairly easy and cost feasible to script a makeshift network engine. Otherwise, cost of rhino+brazil for each node doesn’t even begin to make sense.

I too am interested in Network rendering, but I have no answers to any of your questions.

This was situation, in October 2013, "We’re working on it - on several different fronts. We hope to have something to play with soon."
Maybe soon…

Thank you for those who responded. I guess the lack of response by McNeel is as telling as to the future of Brazil as the responses. V-ray seems to be the only decent option then, at least in a workplace environment.

Perhaps @andy or @marika_almgren will have some details on this.
I haven’t heard anything Brazil development related for quite some time.

We are currently concentrating on Rhino 6 development, so there are currently no firm plans with Brazil.