Boolean Union, extrusions and curves through points fails

WaffleSundayTilesWed0900Hrs [Nov-29 '23, 1009].gh (81.1 KB)

I am learning Grasshopper for the purpose of 3D printing. The attached script creates wavy corrugated tiles. They are not watertight and repairs such as Magics, MS 3D Builder do not help so far. The parts do not meet precisely, but were intended to be created from the same base curves. This is for a display model for a Uni project, so I am open to starting a simpler method just to get the job done. I’ll attach the profile of the serrations that I want to sweep along 2 rails.

Another real noob question- I want to close the curves, why can’t Join work on a set of closed curves, isn’t that is the point of joining? How is it done? Joining open curves only? I can’t select the closed outline for the extrude/sweep.

The next problem is that I used curve through points to build the wavy surface. The highest point of the curves do not coincide with the points. In Rhino rather than GH, the same thing happens. The Control points created (not the points in the curve) are not in line with the control points. In the resulting waffle structure the beams at the 25% and 75% points are way off the apex of the curve; but the position on the centre point is correct. How is this managed please?
Many thanks.

Serrations.3dm (56.0 KB)

WaffleSundayTilesWed0900Hrs [Nov-29 '23, 1009] Edited (114.4 KB)


Thank you Li Quan, it is very kind of you and an elegant structure.


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