Boolean functions not working in rhino V7 for Mac


I have just upgraded to V7 for Mac from V6…

I have started working on a very simple file and trying to boolean 2 closed polysurfaces together… which It just does not do. incredibly frustrating, time consuming and not what you would expect to happen

V7 has a terrible bug here.

I kept double checking all the geometry, and could not find anything wrong. in the end, I saved the exact same file to V6, and opened it up in V6, and the Boolean function worked straight away as it should, so there is nothing wrong with my objects, as they are clean closed polysurfaces. I was then able to fillet some edges, [which I was NOT able to do in V7 either]

for now I am having to revert and work in V6, which is a shame…

Does V7 require an update or something to resolve?

best would be to post your simple file


OK - so here are attached some files, and also some screen recordings showing the difference between V6 and V7…

Here in V6 no problem creating a boolean union…

and here, in V7 with exactly the same geometry it does not work…

I keep running into this constantly all the way through when working - its completely bizarre and I can’t see how there would be any difference as the geometry is exactly the same…

Here attached the files…

boolean V6.3dm (2.2 MB)

boolen fail V7.3dm (5.8 MB)


Adding onto this - other small issues like a standard offset of a circle is having issues…

seems like there are lots of strange things happening, unless my version somehow is corrupt?

Hello - use MergeAllCoplanarFaces in V7 before the BU. Still looking at why…
Ok, your objects have internal faces.

You need to fix that - BU will generally fail on non-planar coincident faces - remember not everything needs to be Unioned, Join is a good tool too.

You’ll see that while V6 BU ‘works’ it leaves internal faces:


HI Pascal…


Thats is incredibly strange, as I never created an internal surfaces…

Is that not just from the internal body

Here you can see the same part again, and I try to BU still not working… and then I explode to show there are no internal surfaces.

It just strange, as I use rhino on a regular basis and have never had so many occurring issues when using older versions.

I did try the MergeAllCoplanarFaces, which seemed to work - but have never had to use this before…

Hi Andrew - the problem is that your BU is being asked to union objects that meet exactly at their faces - BU can handle this if the faces are planar - that is, say two boxes right next to each other sharing a location for the faces that touch - Rhino knows what to do there - it removes both of the faces that are internal to the unioned object. But if the faces are not planar - as in your case, there are cylindrical faces - this fails, so the uinion will fail, or it will not properly remove the internal faces from the result. The bast way to deal with this is toremove the coincident faces and simply Join the remaining objects at the naked edges, leaving BU out of the propcess altogether.
(Rhino is a surface modeler and not a solids modeler, so thinking in terms of surfaces and faces can be helpful)


HI Pascal,

Thanks for the reply…

OK - that a fair point: / re surfaces vs solids… I will try working in that way a bit more.

I guess my only q question would be why it works in V6 and not in V7.

in anywise - many thanks for your help again - will see how I get enjoining surfaces, etc …



Hi Andrew - as far as I can see it only pretends to work in V6 - it leaves internal faces, which is probably worse than failing.


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