I am trying to Boolean difference some shapes I made for my project, it will work for some of the Poly surfaces but not for all. I am getting a lot of ! errors and I am not sure what to do.
Any suggestions?
Booleandiffernce_error.3dm (3.5 MB)
Have you clicked on the text dots to find out what the error messages tell you?
They tell you intersections end in naked edges. This means your objects aren’t all properly closed. You will have to fix that first since boolean difference works only with properly closed surfaces.
When you create polysurfaces with however wild shapes you will have to ensure that they still make sense. Take for instance
This one looks suspicious already at the top half. If you select the object and explode it you’ll see clearly that you have self-intersecting parts where actually the backside of a surface is on the outside. Here exploded and with the backfaces colored differently:
This object and others you’ll have to fix/recreate before you can do proper boolean operations with them.
Okay sounds good, thank you!!