Bongo 3 Development

Yes, I think so too.

Thanks a lot. I’m looking forward to test this.

Hi Joshua,

Thank you so much for posting these progress videos – this is VERY exciting to see. Bullet physics . . . Wow, that’s terrific! I use Bongo quite a lot and this integration will be extremely useful.

This is probably a premature question since a BETA hasn’t been released yet, but do you have an official list of features that have definitely made it into V3 ? I know there’s the running list of user feature requests, but wasn’t sure if there was anything official yet.

If not, no worries, just thought I’d ask. Could you tell me if your team was able to integrate animation export from Bongo, specifically FBX export? This would be extremely useful to set up something in Bongo and export to Unreal Engine 4 for example.

I have a million questions, but I’ll refrain now until you post more teasers . . .

Thanks for your time,

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@Joshua_Kennedy, could you please explain this?

Simply because Rhino objects don’t have a property called pivot point. In Rhino everything is in world space (i.o.w. everything can be thought of having a object center placed at w0,0,0)

Well Blender objects don’t have it, yet animation is easier there.

I meant the object origin. The object center.

Yes, I know.
I was just writing…

On the other thought, why not make the center point of each object attached to the instance. along with a translated coordinate system?

This will be useful thing to have, not only for Bongo, but other plugins and scripts too.

That is what the Bongo pivots are. But it still makes things complicated.

I meant, make it part of RhinoCommon, that each instance of Rhino.Geometry.Something has the CoG and coordinate system along with it.

It isn’t that simple, changes are needed in the very core of Rhino objects, and along with that how geometry is handled.

yeah, I can imagine. Probably most of the Cpp code has to be rewritten. I don’t see this happening before Rhino8

That’s good to hear. I’m curious about what kinds of things you’d like to be doing, or hoping to do, with these features though.

Not an official list yet. I’ll do my best to keep you informed either in this thread or another.

This is on the wishlist the Bongo 3. You can track the status here.

Don’t feel the need to refrain. I’m more than happy to answer and discuss these things with you.

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Hi all,

Just thought I’d update with a few more animations I’ve made. The first two show some more improvements with scaling and morphing. The third is a series of hierarchically linked objects being pulled along a path by a constrained object. The fourth shows my work integrating physics properties into the existing Bongo expressions. There are now values such as colliding, linear, and angular velocity that can be used in expressions.


That’s great @Joshua_Kennedy, thanks for sharing.

Any update on beta release ETA?

for me the 1st issue to solve is the ability to use Bongo (or Kangaroo) to prototype mechanism.
the UI need to be updated and to show the joint in more mechanical way.
the 2nd is the collisions (but you’re showing this)
the 3nd is the softbody, in fashion and architecture industry would be game changer.

as trainer I would suggest you to change name and pretend to have an assembly manager (like parametric) that’s able to record animation.
today it’s the opposite and I’ve trouble to explain why an engineer should use it. my2cent.


… configure Bongo using C# API making Bongo very useful also from Grasshopper. And while at it, some “native” GH-Bongo components in a separate Bongo Tab in GH which mimics configurations which now can be done only using the Bongo UI (which isn’t very user friendly, to put it mildly).

// Rolf


I do not have a hard date but hopefully soon

What kind of mechanisms are you trying to create? The UI is definitely something that needs to be improved. What were you hoping to see in the UI that would make these mechanisms more understandable?

The softbody features are still very early in development and need quite a bit of work. The intention is to have them though.

I’ve seen other requests for these features and they’re definitely on my radar.


the interface could be easier (for me) if it will have assembly features like hinge/pivot, slider, ball joint etc that ask for the related srf and constraint the pieces automatically like it happens on parametric sw.

for the softbody : cool!
yes it need a bit of work because the objects looks too stiff but you’re on track!

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My desire is for stiffness to be a parameter the user can adjust.

Do you think a command would be useful for this? When you run it allows you to select the parent, joint type, etc? Or are you thinking of something with a dedicated interface where you drag and drop the joint type onto an object?

In my mind the process could be this:
Select first obj
Select second obj
select wich join to apply
(depending on the number of constraint needed)
Select the 1st srf on 1st obj
Select the corresponding srf on the 2nd geometry

For a simple pivot could be just two cylindrical srfs.
For more complex one also a side srfs as position reference.

Does it make sense for you?