Bongo 3.0 WIP 16

Bongo 3.0 WIP 16 for Rhino 7 Now Available

Hi all,



Work-In-Progress versions are not production ready and may hang or crash.

Bongo 2.0 users are encouraged to download and try this WIP release of the animation plug-in for Rhino 7, Bongo 3.0.

Bongo 3.0 WIP 15 is now available from Rhino - Download - Bongo for Windows WIP

Rhino versions supported: Beta testing Bongo 3.0 is limited to Bongo 2.0 users. Bongo 3.0 requires a Bongo 2.0 license key. Latest version of Rhino 7.0 is required to install Bongo 3.0 and can be downloaded from Rhino - Download - Rhino 7 for Windows

Notes: This is the current work-in-progress release of Bongo 3.0 for Rhino. The product is in the very early stages of development any will probably change a great deal before release. This may include the file format, so please do not rely on Bongo 3.0 models working in the future. Bongo 3.0 will read Bongo 2.0 files, but will save Bongo 3.0 data only. This data cannot be read by Bongo 2.0, so please backup any files before using them in Bongo 3.0.


Hi, Thanks for this update. I just purchased the Rhino3D upgrade from 7 to 8 and will need to create some animations of a metal bracelet with moving joints (a new product design concept for a client). What tool could I use to enable and visualize a realistic articulation of the bracelet joints and could I do this with high resolution renders? Please advise. Thanks.

If you want to use Bongo 3 WIP to do it, you might want to try the Connections feature. Unfortunately the documentation for Bongo 3 WIP is currently limited to a few videos.
I’d still recommend using Bongo 2.0 and the IK feature. Bongo 2 has documentation, and it is more stable than Bongo 3.0 WIP. Bongo 2.0 is however still waiting on a fix in Rhino 8 to be fully compatible. It should be there in the first Service release of Rhino 8.

Hello Marika,
Me too I just purchased update to Rhino3D v8, but since few years of not using it at all, so I have to ‘re-do’ some courses to be able to use it as well as it deserves.
I will also need to make some animations with joints, so I envisage purchasing Bongo to work with Rhino3D v8.
It will be my first time purchasing Bongo license, and I wonder if I can purchase the update Bongo license instead of the complete one ?.. Or maybe it will be a promotion code when Bongo 3 will be available ? Do you have any idea of the date for the compatible with Rhino3D v8 Bongo 3 ?
Thank you very much for your attention,

Bongo 3 WIP and 2 work with Rhino 8. Bongo 2 had some issues with the Rhino 8 UI but they are now fixed, they should be all fixed in the next Service release of Rhino 8.

We do not know when Bongo 3 will be released and we do not know what the pricing will be when this happens. Currently if one wants to use Bongo 3 WIP you need to own a Bongo 2 license.

Hello Marika,

Thanks a lot for your previous answer.

So now my question is :
As it will be my first time purchasing Bongo 2 license to run it within Rhino3D v8, I wonder if I can purchase only the update license for Bongo 2 (instead of the complete one) to run it ?

(In other words, have I to purchase the complete license of Bong 2 even if I will run it within Rhino3D v8 ?)

Thank you very much for your explanations,

yes, that’s correct

Thank you for this confirmation, Gijs.

So I’ll wait for the next service release of Rhino3D v8 for the complete Bongo 2 compatibility issues solved, then I’ll purchase one Bongo 2 complete license.

Best Regards,