Boeing 888X Concept (Exterior and Interior)

This is my Advanced Design Concept for my Boeing 888X concept. This is a fictionalized successor to the 787 Dreamliner. It’s been a personal project for over 2 years (on and off).

Strictly an advanced design exploration and not claiming to be a Boeing employee or engineer :slight_smile:

In this exploration, I was making assumptions that the structural glass of the future is on par with the strength properties of carbon composites and other more common structural materials of today (to allow expansive views), digital projection technology can utilize the glass to augment your experiences as a passenger and captain, display technologies can become lightweight and integrated enough to allow for more immersive interiors, etc etc.

Designed originally in Rhino 7 and moved into Rhino 8. Suffice it to say it’s an incredibly heavy job with lots of Rhino sessions linking between an Exterior model, Seating Matrix Model, Cabin Model, and Cockpit model just to keep complexity down and segment the build in a manageable way. The details of the cockpit alone took about 2 months+ for research, design and exploration (since it plays on the 787, but doesn’t exist). Same for the cabin which went through a number of iterations.

Landing gear components, panel design, latches, in flight versions of surfaces (like the wings) versus at rest…having to clip off sections of the cabin to design in chunks…just really a very daunting project overall. It would have been faster if it had been a priority, but looking to finally close this out to make way for new personal projects.


Final project link:


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Thanks Dan :slight_smile:

What a great project. @Lee_Rosario
thanks for sharing.

May i ask how did you add the view tabs on the Rhino Mac…?
That wasn’t possible in the past, and i still can’t figure out [or remember reading about] how to add these.

thanks a lot

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Thanks so much Akash!

To be super honest, I’m not really sure myself. I have a template I created in Windows with these views already loaded and when I work in Mac they are there. I could have sworn I saw a menu in Mac once that lets you create view tabs, but I can’t find it for the life of me. Maybe Kyle @theoutside knows better? I’d like to know myself.

Ooof yas! Thanks, Scott! I will take your stamp of approval anytime!

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What did you render in ?

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So it seems possible, but the UI for it is broken and hidden in Adv.
There’s this in Adv.
But at least here, if i change from the default [1] to any number, I then can’t quit rhino [spinning ball for a couple of minuts] Going back to Adv. the ViewportTabs is resets to 0 .
also curious is the fact that the default 1 in Adv, but there are the 4 in the actual UI…

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Wow go figure, never would have guessed we had to go that deep in Mac to make it work. I got by with the windows workaround for so long I sorta just dealt with it. I learned something new today.

Keyshot mainly for the exterior and relying more on twin motion lately for interiors. Although I will say twinmotion (unreal engine light basically) is becoming very useful for all around rendering and I’ve used it a lot in my projects.

Not to oversell it, but if you ever decide to get into unreal engine and/or twin motion for rendering, I can pretty much guarantee they (Epic Games) would love to do a designer spotlight on you considering your amazing work history. I just wrapped up a designer spotlight with their team and i could see a deep hunger for stories of interest like yours.

sorry I wasn’t clear in the previous post. It doesn’t actually work [no view tabs are being added]
it’s there [maybe just as a copy of from Windows ] strange.

Ooooooon I see

Unreal doesnt really fit well into my workflow these days. Doing props mostly I find that sticking with a raytrace renderer gives me far more control over the cameras and lighting compared to Unreal. I wouldnt mind using Keyshot but good grief the cost is absurd.

Tell me about it. Keyshot is getting too big for its own good. For us independents

Always has been. When you place image resolution behind a paywall its pretty obvious your only going after the higher end market. I remember years ago when they first tried to approach the film industry. As soon as they said image resolution was based on price point I said good luck with that. It was never really a viable renderer for vfx anyway. Some illustrators use it but most have switched to Blender. Im assuming they ditched that pricing plan as soon as subscription models came online. $99 a month is absurd considering what else is out there.

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Amen to that. Makes sense. Outside of twinmotion and such I’ve been looking at that myself. Redshift seems interesting to me. I like the out of the box world building aspect of TM and wish that was more prevalent in other software as well. For now I see Unreal, Lumion and Enscape in that space, but would be nice to get that VFX quality mixed with the asset libraries built in.

Going to be an interesting next few years with software competition.

Im looking into Blender/Octane since you can get a free version of Octane to run in Blender. You also have EVEE in Blender if you want that option. For me Modo has been the go to and it makes me sad that its been discontinued. I have hope it will be saved some how but I cant take that chance with work related projects. Gotta move forward.

Its always changing. I suspect with AI on the scene things will change again. As to if its for the better will remain to be seen. Personally I still prefer to do the work myself than just rely on yet another automated tool. At this rate humans will evolve to only have one finger on each hand because thats all we will need to push a button. That of course is until its voice activated. Then we just sit in lounge chairs like in Wall E.

On the subject of AI, watch out for “neural rendering”. It’s a subject I’ve been studying at work in tools research and it could hypothetically kill off program based ray traced rendering. In fact the more I think about and study this, the more I want it to get to market already.

Basically you train an AI model to go CAD to cloud (LoRA technology), tell it what you want and it produces ultra photographic cloud based images, no dedicated rendering software. You run more of a simple prompt based render portal than a renderer platform. No having to mess with noise settings, sample settings, or grainy renders, fireflies, pixelation issues, none of that…With all the details you want (rain, particle FX, camera angles, time of day, lighting angles, lighting iterations, anything).Buying asset libraries to populate your scenes, or finding HDRIs to light your scene, placing lighting nodes to light objects…all of that It’s all done via machine learning with raw camera quality.

Pretty wacky stuff. I see people experimenting in different CGI circles but nothing commercial yet.

This image was rendered on the cloud. Basically the guy gave it official lambo cad and told it (give me rain droplets, wet road, that backdrop, in blue, etc etc) and AI said “here you go.” No more ray tracing, no more of the physics current renders have to abide by. Totally different process.

I imagine if design studios go this route, now it’s a matter of building or renting closed loop AI server farms, thinking about how to protect uploaded proprietary CAD, all new problems and investment. So our future could very will be “I upload cad or CAD images to the cloud, type in a bunch of stuff I want and then wait for it to cook a ILM “hollywood quality” level render or animation while I eat this sandwich.”