Boeing 888-BBJ | Business Jet Concept

Recently completed a project around my Boeing 888X concept series with a BBJ version (Boeing Business Jet). I used a number of tools on this version to experiment, namely with A.I. tools on certain aspects of the project. The cabin interior concept and converting certain stills to animations where the only use A.I. in this experimentation. The results of the AI are “ok” and intended more as an observation and form to save time on animation than as a hard design tool for final presentation.

Everything else was designed in Rhino 8 and rendered in Keyshot and Twinmotion.


Very nice Lee! I particularly like the interior… was this modelled in Rhino?


Another terrific project @Lee_Rosario - thanks for sharing.

– Dale

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Thanks David! It was for the most part in Rhino 8. The only part that was a hybrid of rhino and AI was the cabin interior (to save on time). I blocked out some basic shapes and layouts of the cabin in Rhino enough to take a snapshot of the interior and further refine it and “Render” it in vizcom and other AI programs.

Thank you Dale! Happy to share with the community

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Very nice project, question on the interior, did you also map out the windows to be separated like that or did the ai create those?

Maybe it needs more information to understand the original design intention you have

Great work!