Boeing 888 "Triple 8" Concept (WIP)

Planning of the concept interior (sections and volumes not final). Expecting the design development to lead into late 2023.

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CGI test footage.


Very well executed concept! Looking forward to seeing some detailed features (interior…) about the plane in your video.

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thanks Farined. It’ll be a while to sketch out and model but seeing as there’s no time limit to this project, giving it alot of care. Looking forward to sharing.

888 CGI Landing Sequence

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Working from front to back, progress shots for the interior. So far only the overhead panel is complete. The seats and displays are only placeholders. About 90 hours of work into the cockpit so far.


Fantastic . Well done on the work

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thanks so much!

I know how frustrating it can be . Well done

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you know it’s interesting. As challenging as this project is…not so much frustrating as it is time consuming. Alot of patience. Especially these instrument panels. I never appreciated how much detail these things have.

Yes agree time so time consuming. I was working on a spitfire and started to do draw up the cockpit frames. But I’m jumping from Rhino to blender . Just too much great software out thier for hours in the day. I will have to finish it one day . I think the spitfire is a right of passage . I will have to go back to it. I might look at image material mapping for the cockpit as I did a car tire and mapping it was amazing under the experimental render setting. I wondered if guys were doing that to speed the process up.


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This is definitely the way. Honestly in the past I would have cut corners on the details, but I think on something like this, especially with how far it’s come. You get to this point where you feel like you have to respect the project by pushing it as far as you can. Strictly for a personal project.

If this was a commercial/paid project. Then details are a given. So in other words, I’m treating this almost like an official production design project to push myself through the details. The end result will be rewarding.

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Take a look at OpenVSP. It is an interesting preliminary design program.

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this is really cool. Thanks Chris.

Very futuristic…awesome

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thanks YL!

Update to the cockpit concept design


Looking great! As you said that it will require a lot of patience, but I think the result will be very impressive!

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thank you!

Updated renders of the cockpit…finally moving into cabin design.


SO impressive!

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Thanks Jakob!!!