Boat hull problem

How hard can it be??!! Trying to add the surface to the lower hull. Try as I might, it always fails! What’s wrong here please?
Fairmile D.3dm (5.8 MB)

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It’s the lower part I am having the issue with. The hull is separated along the chine line, so i get a sharp edge after I join them and can inset it slightly to create a shadow on the model.

I’d go with something like this- although it appears to me that your lower surface is overdefined and could benefit from less input not more.

step 1- (sweep 2, ignore the front triangle shape)

step 2. (the 3 side to 4 sided surface trick)

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fwiw, your file tolerance is set to .001 mm… this is absurdly tight for an object this large.

.1mm or .01mm is even overkill

you could likely go .5mm tolerance and make your modeling life a lot easier.

A .5mm gap even in the real world is well within reason for a Tig welding gap if your goal is to make this for real, and is likely too tight for Mig which likes to have a slight gap for the filler material to flow into.

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The best bet is to model as this PDF shows with the Bow Profile section on page 10. Generally, it is extending the centerline across centerline, then extending the sections and trimming back later.

A second way of doing it is to use the fairing tools in Orca 3D as they can turn the bow stem using a algorythm that controls adjacent control points.