Block By Parent Print Color Bug

The “By Parent” option for items in a block seems to quite working in the this file. In particular the print color. The lineweight still seems to follow. It was working but now it isn’t and can’t figure out why.

ByParent.3dm (4.5 MB)

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Thanks for the file.
You have 142 block in this file.
Which block is having the PrintWidth By Parent issue?
Send a screen shot of what the block looks like.

Are you using Rhino 8 on Windows or Mac?
Thanks for your help.
Mary Fugier

Humm. Maybe I sent the wrong file. It should look like this. Does this file show what you need. Also this is on windows.

ByParent.3dm (563.2 KB)

I’m seeing print display show the print colors correctly, but the print preview and pdf output incorrectly use the object print color rather than the block instance print color even though the block objects’ print color is set to “by parent”.

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I’m seeing print display show the print colors correctly, but the print preview and pdf output

I see the same thing.

incorrectly use the object print color rather than the block instance print color even though the block objects’ print color is set to “by parent”.

I am not sure what you mean by this?

Hi @djnelson75,
Thanks for the simplified file.
We have looked at blocks with Display and Print color for the model, layout and detail color.
It all seems to be working as expected here.

  1. In the first file, there were coincidental details that needed to be deleted. And the details was not locked, so we did that.

  2. Then using the second simple file, we used the PrintDisplay command to toggle the Print Preview setting between Print and Display. Also for viewing in the model viewport a scale of 3 or 4 helped preview the approximate Print Widths. This is best previewed on a Layout.

  3. First we looked at the Model Print Preview set to Display:

Then we looked at it set to Model Print Preview set to Print.

  1. On to the Detail: We looked at the Detail print color with PrintDisplay set to Display

Then returned to the Layout to preview with PrintDisplay set to Print:

  1. ByParent only works if the object is going to be associated as part of a block. Setting single objects to By parent is confusing and should be avoided. For example, the block instance was set to By Parent when we opened the file. We returned it to by layer. The geometry in the block for sure can be set to ByParent, that is if you want it to follow the settings of the block insert layer.

Here is my file.
ByParent 2.3dm (577.5 KB)

Let me try the PDF output now.

Mary Ann Fugier

Sorry should have been clearer. Everything works as expected until I print to pdf. I haven’t tried print to a plotter yet, but will do that.


Print to plotter produces the same result as printing to pdf.

Just for some more info. Here is what the pdf looked like that I printed on 12/13 and one I printed yesterday. You can see the arrow on 12-13 printed correctly. but yesterday it did not.

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It’s more clear if you change the print color of the “S-EXTENT” layer to red. The block geometry prints using the geometry print color rather than the block instance print color.

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Oh I see. Yes that is the issue. I thought you saying this was a solution to the problem.

Hi @djnelson75 and @Measure ,
Thanks for your help. Yes, red makes it quite clear.
Yes I can see that the output for Raster and Vector do not use the ByParent Print Colors.

The last block (maybe it is the first processed) looks ok… maybe it does one and the rest are left out. It should do them all correctly and I will get this logged.

RH-85372/Block-Print-Color-By-Parent-Not-Being-Printed-or-Print Previewed
We will let you know here when there is a fix.

Mary Ann Fugier