Blender inside Rhino?

I’ve tried this import plugin today and it seems to be working with Blender 2.93.5.
Haven’t tried with Blender 3.0 yet.


It works with Blender 3.0. I tested it on one of my live coding streams.

Just tried importing several times into Blender 3.0.1. Does blender import the .zip archive, or do I need to extract it before.

Edit > Preferences… > Add-ons > Install > select the ZIP for either Windows or Mac platform. Don’t forget to enable the add-on after it has been installed.

Didn’t see option to choose PC or Mac. Tried installing as zip. Did not show up in the plugin list to enable. Does it show up as a different name? Downloaded this:

Check the releases tab instead. There are two packages, one for windows, one for mac.

edit: the releases you can access on the right hand side:

That worked. There is a little exclamation icon for it showing in Blender’s plugin list. I’m not sure what that means, but I did import an .3dm model and It seems fine.

If you mouse over the exclamation mark you probably will see the warning, or maybe you have to open the import_3dm panel in that view. It will tell you that importing works only for those objects with render meshes saved.

When can we expect Rhino.Inside Blender? @nathanletwory
An approximate date / timeline will do.

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I haven’t tried Rhino Inside Blender in a while. As said last time I tried Rhino corrupted the Blender OpenGL context. Unless (and until) that has been fixed it cannot work. I don’t know about timelines.

Hi Nathan, is that pending fix something McNeel needs to do? Or the Blender team?



Our side - Blender isn’t naughty, Rhino is.

yup, and playing better with Blender will make our lives soooo much easier. I hope you find some traction for this. Thx!



How’s the project going so far ?

Still on the backburner.