Anyone running biomorpher grasshopper on rhino 8 mac ?
I have installed biomorpher v7 from package manager on a rhino 8 on a Mac, doesn’t appear.
any solution?
FWIW, on Food4Rhino, it only mentions Windows.
@johnharding ?
Hi Wim and @Raphael_Coen ,
Unfortunately due to my limited knowledge of Apple’s UI, the initial decision to use wpf forms in windows (which I now kind of regret), and lack of time (!), Biomorpher will only run on Windows. I’m not sure how to ensure mac users cannot see this on package manager, is that possible?
Of course the code is all available on github if someone wants to give it a go, but I suspect it would be a very ardous task. Sorry Raphael!
Hi John -
Yes, you should be able to use the naming convention to make a plug-in platform-specific.
→ Rhino - The Anatomy of a Package