Better Brep Offset

I am looking for a better way to offset breps. I had had honestly thought that this shape would be one of the few that works well, and it doesn’t. My surface is still open and has some weird artifacts around the corners. I am trying to add thickness to an open Poly surface to simulate casting.

Ultimately I’m trying to do this in grasshopper, but any method works for now. Is there potentially a plugin that handles offset better?

Here is a copy of my original polysurface and the failed offset along with some screenshots.

Offset surface.3dm (894.1 KB)

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do you need a nurbs output?

you can use shrinkwrap in V8 to do really detailed shelling.

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I am looking for a nurbs output. This will eventually be turned into a injection molded part and I need the nurbs surface for CNC.

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I’m not sure. I’m surprised Rhino isn’t closing this up:

But you can certainly close them up manually.