Beta testers for new AI plugin


Hello Discourse!

We’re excited to introduce Loome, a new AI-powered tool for Grasshopper, and invite you to be part of our beta testing program.

Loome is designed to enhance your Grasshopper workflow by:

  • Autocompleting Grasshopper scripts
  • Automatically placing objects on the canvas with their connections
  • Significantly reducing the time to arrive at design solutions

Our goal is to revolutionize how you work with Grasshopper by dramatically reducing the time you spend on repetitive tasks like placing and arranging objects on the canvas. Through automating these aspects, you can focus on creative design thinking and problem-solving.

We believe Loome is a useful tool, and we’d love your input to make it even better. We’re inviting Grasshopper users of all levels to try Loome and share their experience. Your participation will be invaluable in refining this tool to serve our community’s needs.

As a beta tester, you’ll have:

  1. Early access to innovative AI technology for Grasshopper
  2. The opportunity to influence the product’s development
  3. A chance to potentially enhance your own workflow and design process

If you’re interested in exploring how AI can augment parametric design and boost your creative output, join the beta testing program through our website here

We look forward to your insights and hope you enjoy using the product.


Looks like from all those clips that loome requires you to anticipate a series of nodes you’ll use before placing them on the canvas? Let’s say I want a SERIES node connected to the X input of a CONSTRUCT POINT node, but I select them in the order:


Does loome stick to the order I select things or will it still try to place those nodes in the correct order?

Guess I’m just wondering about the workflow. I don’t usually think about which nodes I want in a neat orderly procession - I’ll place down a CONSTRUCT POINT then go “ah, I need a SERIES node before that” and place it down but this plugin makes it seem like I need to first feed it the nodes I want in the correct order.

Great question! There is a degree of permutation invariance so the node order shouldn’t matter for obvious examples like the one you’ve given. I say obvious because there shouldn’t be a case where the construct point connects to series. Where node ordering matters to a degree is for much longer logical tasks, like for 5-10 nodes where you have number sliders and panels. As you can see in the example:
number slider
creates the graph
number slider → z
z → move
which is the correct configuration even though its the input isn’t necessarily in a depth first or breadth first ordering.