Best way of creating a surface from non planer closed curve

I’ve tried a bunch of different things, but short of braking this up into lots of little curves and creating lots of surfaces from planer curves and then trying the join them all together, I’m thinking there must be a way more straightforward way of doing this ??? Attached is an example of the curve I’m trying to use. Any ideas ?

non planer curve.3dm (3.7 MB)

re_non planer curve.3dm (135.1 KB)
two _PlanarSrf surfaces and 3 _EdgeSrf surfaces

no there isnt… you have to explode curves then


non planer curve_emod.3dm (139.9 KB)
for those who like trimming srfs everywhere :face_holding_back_tears:

side note: grid bug still not fixed.

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use some of the segments (green)
_extrudeCrv splitAtTangents=Yes bothsides=yes

extend the surface it with _extendSrf or sub-Selection / Gumball

_shrinkTrimmedSrf for beauty

Best way of creating ‘multiple’ surfaces from non planar closed curve? :relieved:

do you need a single surface or does a polysurface with do the job ?

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yes that is also a neat way, but the question really is as @Tom_P stated, is that really necessary, whats the benefit from creating a single trimmed surface in that case…

also your surface is pretty wonky, shame on you. :wink:

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I’ll have to check it later, I thought it was clear than that :sob::sweat_smile: