Bended tubes are not creating as smooth extrusion in VisualArq

When I am trying to import tekla IFC through visualArq, all the straight parts are created as smooth closed polysurfaces. It is good to export to stp file format.
But if any parts are in bended or conical shape, these are creating as open mesh. Is it possible to make this also closed smooth polysyrfaces?

Test file.3dm (6.2 MB) (4.3 MB)

Hi @sajesh_pj
I think the issue is not with VisualARQ, but in your IFC, where the pipes are defined as a dense mesh. File size is a dead giveaway.
Try exporting with different settings.

Here are the different IFC setting files. All the results are same.
Different types (3.3 MB)

Hi @sajesh_pj
Looking at the list of available export formats from Tekla, there are no NURBS based file formats at all, leading me to believe that the objects probably don’t exist as NURBS in Tekla - so you’ll probably have to re-model them in Rhino or deal with the meshes.
HTH, Jakob

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