Beginners question: build a closed model the right way, or fix afterward

Hi There,

I am learning Rhino and Grasshopper to replace my modelling from Sketchup. In a very early stage, but want to start the right way.

I’ve built my first model and of course I ended up with a non-closed object. I’ve created the model with basic lines and circle’s and used the loft command a lot to create the model I wanted.

My question now: should this not be the appropriate way to make a model like this, or is this just fine and do I need to make addition steps, to close the object. (12.9 KB)

The only thing required is to order your profiles (assuming that no Ccx Events occur). Loft provides options (see image) that can allign (this works in some cases, mind) profiles properly. PS: On purpose the profile seams are wrong (8.7 KB)

Lesson learned:

  • I don’t have to loft every two profiles.
  • connect profiles in order to just one loft.
  • use the options from commands.

Much appreciated!

Moving on to other lessons

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Well … given the correct odrer you can do it the analytic way as well (i.e. lofting pairs: by reposition one crv seam closest to other AND checking Tangent’s DotProduct (for direction) ). This is the way to go when your profiles are trickier than the ones in this very simple case.

Before visiting other Planets … open the attached and see what these 2 do. Now … using the very same profiles (and especially their random ordering) … do the Loft(s) via components. Notably N2 is a bit challenging (try the GH Loft with any option you want). (123.4 KB)

Thank you for this addition… I was literally losing my mind on reading through my finding on Tangent’s DotProduct from the internet. Will use your “game” to learn more around lofts.

Final challenge for the (very) brave: after mastering the open/closed doughnut in C# N2 … try to get a “real life tube like” Brep solid (i.e. a thing with thickness). Since R is a Surface modeller … is this impossible or rather easy?