Basic C# Scripting and Plugin Development for Grasshopper Workshop - May 31-June 2, McNeel Europe (Barcelona)

C# Scripting and Plugin Development for Grasshopper
Introductory Workshop for Developers by Long Nguyen (ICDStuttgart)
May 31-June 2, 2017
McNeel Europe S.L.
Roger de Flor, 32-34 bajos
08018 Barcelona (Spain)

McNeel is pleased to welcome Long Nguyen, research associate at ICD Stuttgart, for a 3-day Introductory Workshop for Developers at McNeel Europe in Barcelona.

This workshop will introduce the essentials of scripting and the creation of custom plug-ins for Grasshopper using the C# language. C# provides high-performance interaction within the Rhino/Grasshopper modeling environment. This lets you extend the capabilities of Rhino/Grasshopper, from custom advanced generative design algorithm, to interacting with other software tools.

The workshop will cover the following topics:

Day 1:

  • Introduction to C# language, object-oriented programming and the .NET framework
  • C# Script components in Grasshopper
  • RhinoCommon API, the library that allows us to programmatically interact with Rhino

Day 2:

  • Introduction to Visual Studio, a professional toolset for software development
  • Creation of plug-ins for Grasshopper using Visual Studio and the Grasshopper API
  • More advanced topics in object-oriented programming

Day 3:

  • Using external .NET libraries with C# in Grasshopper and Visual Studio
  • Common practices for code organization for better code reuse and maintenance
  • Development of personal project by each workshop participant

Course Fee: EUR 795 (+VAT); students and university teachers will get a 50% discount (proof of status required).
Max. Number of Participants: 8-10
Language: English

Educational seats are limited. Sign up now by contacting Verena Vogler!

Posted Mar 30, 2017 by Elena Caneva on Rhino News, etc.