Bake Revit Tag geometry to Rhino

Is there a way to get the geometry of the Room, Door, or Wall Tags? It doesn’t have to be in the form of a Text object it can be converted to curves. I need to convert some existing 2D tags into 3D objects.

That geometry is in the Family Symbol and not accessible via our normal Element Geometry, you would need to access the Family doc. It sound like you are looking to work with instance of the tags so not sure how much that would help.

Can you provide a small example of what you are trying to do? Thanks

It turned out that I don’t have to reproduce the tag geometry exactly, and only the parameter values ​​are enough, which can be graphically composed a little differently. I created Generic Models by deconstructing native text tools in Rhino 8 and extruding them.

One option for using geometry from tags would be to load a vector PDF or DWG from Revit and extrude this geometry, but that wasn’t necessary.

At first, I thought that it would be possible with tags the same as it is with doors, furniture, etc. with the use of Element View Geometry component.