Hi forum, I have received some autocad files which I now wish to open and model from in Rhino, I’m having trouble with importing/inserting the files, screenshot attached. The file consists of some 2d elevation drawings, and some 3d perspective views. I want to use what geometry I can to start my rhino model if possible, any help much appreciated, cheers
I’m not seeing problem in that screen shot…
Hi wim, apologies I probably havent explained very well, I’, not used to importing autocad files into rhino, the screenshot is the top view, what I’m looking to do is use as much of the geometry as possible to create a rhino 3d model for the purposes of rendering out a nice image of the interior. Is there a method for doing this ? The perspective views that were imported aren’t usable like this, or maybe I’m missing something ?
If the imported files are bitmaps such as .jpg or .tif you can use PictureFrame (Picture in V6 WIP) to place the images as desired in Rhino space. Use Orient and Scale to adjust the image to the desired orientation and size.
You can also use Wallpaper to place an image as background in a viewport, and then use PerspectiveMatch to match a perspective view of a model of an object to an image of the object.
Hi david, thanks for the input , I was hoping for a way to use the autocad (dwg) files to get at least some of the geometry, is that not possible ?
hi my guess is that if there is some solid geometry in the cad file they would have to export it as 2004 solid. that should bring all geometry over. if you can just ask if they can kindly export it as such.
Hi milezee,
typically, you import AutoCAD 2D DXF/DWG files at the right scale (or scale them in Rhino) and then make good use of Rhino’s layers to hide all information from the AutoCAD file that is unnecessary for 3D modelling. If the person who did the AutoCAD file has the walls on one layer, the sockets on another, etc. you can use the curves from AutoCAD directly to build surfaces in Rhino. Often, architects also have a 3D file available (seeing the isometries in your screenshot), in which case most of the work is already done for you, provided she/he did it all accurately.
Hi Richard, I’ll try that myself, running autocad here too, :), in the autocad model space there are some 2d elevations, and a couple of ‘perspective’ views, which seem to be ‘solid’ geometry, but when I import the file into rhino it looks flat ‘2d’ in every viewport except the top view ? It’s puzzling me, I’m hoping there is a way to use some of the 3d geometry in the file, it would be a great time saver
and did it sort in? would be curious if those are nurbs surfaces they should open as nurbs in rhino but i cant help you there, i had a student version of autocad for mac some time ago, but the bugs just killed me, was like a locust invasion… brrrrRRR
no, that didn’t work,
This is the view of my model space in Autocad, is there a way of using the geometry in the axonometric views to the right in Rhino to create a 3d model for render purposes ?
i am afraid not really at least not that i could think of something. if you dont have any actual surfaces and no ground plans you can at least read the sizes from the axonometric drawings they should be proportional in xyz of course.
or you can use isometric view and hit it with the wallpaper no match needed and model like that. if its not to the micrometer and just for visualising this should suffice and be fairly fast i believe.
It’s hard to tell from the screenshot of autocad, but it seems like that is all just linework- and there is no actual geometry? If so, no, there is no way to get the geometry into rhino as it doesn’t exist in the source file. By geometry I mean surfaces, planes etc.
Standard work method would be to take those internal elevation drawings (ignoring the iso views) and build up in 3d space in rhino assuming you have a plan?
Hi ecnal, thanks for the input, yes I’ve just modelled in Rhino using the internal elevations etc. Its new to me importing autocad files and even using autocad so finding my way, sometimes stumbling
well have fun! One thing I’ll chip in with if it helps… pay very close attention to the source linework quality, it is easy for 2d linework to be a bit sloppy here and there, and if you’re extruding etc off cruddy linework the model will start to get out of whack a little here, a little there and it all compounds into a smudgy turd of a mess!