Attractor points and Grids

Hi Everyone,
I will try to explain as best I can…
This is the first time I have used Grasshopper or Rhino for that matter. My tutor advised that I take a look at Grasshopper after my last tutorial in my Masters in Architecture course. I have since spent the last few’s days trying to get my head into what I need to do but I could really do with some general advise.

I wont go into the full detail behind my project but what I am basically proposing and what I need Grasshopper to help me with is a “framework”. The idea of having this “framework” parametric is two fold; the first being to find the “form” and the second being able to produce a structure to match the form. Both of which I can then manipulate over and over again to create different spatial scenarios etc.

The proposed site is in Snipiskes, Lithuania. Positioned in between new high rise buildings and then the existing wooden homes. There is a huge juxtaposition here of heights, forms, materials and social & cultural happenings.

(I didnt know if I could upload the model due to the size of it!)

When I say “Framework”, I am proposing a standardised structure based around a simple timber frame for example. Something like the work of Japanese Architect Sou Fujimoto. The idea being that at a later date, this framework will get built back into and will form areas for the local residents to inhabit.


But with more of a free flowing form such as the Serpentine Pavilion below (but on a bigger scale)

This is my current methodology for using Grasshopper to develop both the form and the structure.


  1. Identify the area in which the framework will stand and use a polyline / surface

  2. Identify key positions for “attractor points”. These attractors will change the height of the form based on how close or far away they are. (I have been playing with a script that I found on here, but this script works on a standardised grid and only has two “attractor points” (script attached) (30.1 KB)

  3. Identify areas within the polyline that will have no framework. This might inlclude areas over roads, paths, around buildings. (I am assuming that this can be done as part of point 1 and just not include the areas within the polyline?)

  4. I would like to be able to control the form using sliders for the maximum heights, minimum heights etc but I will work on this as I go along.


  1. Once I have the form as a 3D mass. I would then like to work back into the form to create the structural “framework” needed (like the work of Sou Fujimoto)
  2. I am assuming that I will need to create a horizontal grid. And then from where the grid lines intersect, “place” a column.
  3. There will then need to be an grid in the vertical that “places” beams between the columns at certain heights.
  4. Once the structure is in, can I then “trim” to keep it all inside of the form?
  5. The end result being a framework that has been generated from the form but I can continue to work into it.

As I said before, this is the first time I have used Grasshopper and will be continuing to study but any help anyone could give me along the way would be a massive help. Ideally, what order to try and do the steps in and any relevant scripts that might give me a good starting point.
I am aware that what I have written above might be hard to understand so please give me a shout if you need anything explaining further.
I will upload images etc as I go along.

Looks like the definition you posted is one of my old definition from old GH forum.

And you can increase the number of attractor points just by replacing Vector Addition to standard Addition node and click the little + button on it let you expand the connections… (28.7 KB)

There are many similar codes using multiple attractor points you can use if you wish to find including bellow…

And for the frames, check this topic if you want…


Thanks for this HS_Kim!
I am working through the definition now so I will hopefully have something to show in a few hours…optimistically!

I have attached the 3D model and the definition so far. For the purpose of the “Form” I feel like im almost there. For the final step I am a little stuck though. I have worked out how to “manually” do what I need to in Rhino.I can manually extrude the polyline, intersect with the surface and then delete everything else but I want to keep all this in Grasshopper.

In basic terms;

I have my Surface.
And then I have an example 2D Polyline.
I would like to take that 2D polyline all the way up to the surface and then trim everything out around it, leaving me with a “mass” which I can then start working the structure into. I should point out that I want to produce around 4 of the these “masses” various points along the surface.

If anyone could point me in the right direction that would be great!

Šnipiškės Model (Main).3dm (5.2 MB)
framework (63.9 KB)

Not sure this is what you want, anyway check attachment…

framework (86.3 KB)

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And this is the worst case scenario for the data management in GH…
If I were you, I would rather do it manually in Rhino directly…

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This is exactly what im trying to create! I will take a look through everything tonight and try to understand how / why you have done it all the way you have.
Comments taken on board in regards to the mass of points aswell. As I was doing it, I was thinking to myself that this must be easier in Rhino!
Thanks again!!