Assigning baked geometry to new layer everytime I press the Bake button

Hi all.

I am new to grasshopper and elefront plugin. I am not sure if someone has already done this.

How do i create a layer based on the time data? (hh,mm,ss). and assign the baked geometry to it. the issue i was encountering is the clock doesnt refresh itself. i tried data dam, not sure how it works and where do i put it. can anyone help me in this.

Data dam = 0.25 seconds
Trigger = 10 ms

thank you very much in advance. (12.6 KB)

there is a pretty old plugin for sun path simulation called “Heliotrope”

it has a julian day node that can be triggered to update via button.

it works just fine for your situation. you could truncate the text string if the layer name is too detailed. (9.6 KB)

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Thank you very much!

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import datetime
now =
Y = now.year
M = now.month
D =
h = now.hour
m = now.minute
s = now.second