Arrg! Dimension Text will not rotate 180. Flips

I just placed some Dimension text in a drawing in top view. I want it to be vertical. When I rotate it to vertical it flips -no matter which direction I rotate. Not reverse, readable, but for the wrong side. I know this is a toggle or switch somewhere but I’ve forgotten where.

Apologizes again for the multitude of questions. I’m trying to regain my Rhino skills.

screen shots would be super helpful so we can see what you are seeing-

any chance you have this checked in the properties for the object?

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Nope, horizontal not checked.
I want the text to have the 100 on the top. Any rotation brings me back to this.

Hi @CalypsoArt,
It would really help to get a file.
You can Export Selected with just the text you show above selected.
And post it here.

Also SystemInfo would be helpful, so we can test on the same version and OS.
Do this by opening Rhino, and type the command SystemInfo.
Copy and paste the “text” results into your reply.

Mary Ann Fugier

found it-

I’m having all manner of problems. Because I’m so rusty, I assume I’m the problem. But some like my icon redraw problem is related to the update.

Here is a file.
TEST FILE2.3dm (171.0 KB)

My other problem relates to using the “detalescale” function. When I input the function it asks that I select the object. However, I cannot select the detail viewport outline. (I used to be able to) It is select-able any other time, just not when trying to setup the function.

In annotation style, font settings uncheck “Text reads forward when viewed from behind”

Gracias. That did it.

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