Annotation examples

The annotation class is different from the v5 Annotation2 class. I am trying to get my head around the new classes including the dimension classes… seems difficult.

Some example files showing the optimal way of reading / creating annotations and dimensions with v6, would be really helpful. What happens when OpenNURBS reads previous version of the annotation/dimensions.

Thanks in advance.

Hi @rajeev,

The annotation classes have been overhauled in Rhino 6.

OpenNURBS will correctly convert annotations, written in V5, to the new annotation objects available in V6.

Reading annotations should not be too difficult. Here is a starting point you can use:

ONX_Model model;...
ONX_ModelComponentIterator it(model, ON_ModelComponent::Type::ModelGeometry);
const ON_ModelComponent* model_component = nullptr;
for (model_component = it.FirstComponent(); nullptr != model_component; model_component = it.NextComponent())
  const ON_Annotation* annotation = ON_Annotation::Cast(model_component);
  if (nullptr != annotation)
    const ON_ModelComponentReference& model_component_ref = model.DimensionStyleFromId(annotation->DimensionStyleId());
    const ON_DimStyle* dim_style = ON_DimStyle::Cast(model_component_ref.ModelComponent());
    if (nullptr != dim_style)
      switch (annotation->Type())
      // Text
      case ON::AnnotationType::Text:
        const ON_Text* text = ON_Text::Cast(annotation);
        if (nullptr != text)
          // TODO...
      // Linear dimensions
      case ON::AnnotationType::Aligned:
        const ON_DimLinear* dim_linear = ON_DimLinear::Cast(annotation);
        if (nullptr != dim_linear)
          // TODO...
      // Etc...

If you want assistance porting the creation of V5 annotations to V6, just forward me your old code.


– Dale

Hi @dale,

Thank you so much. Please find the sample code snippet below. I am guessing that annotation and dimensions are geometry objects and should be added to the ONX_Model by AddManagedModelGeometryComponent method?

I am not able to figure out the replacement for SetPoint methods in the v5 dimension/annotation class

############## old code below

			    ON_LinearDimension2* dim = new ON_LinearDimension2();				
				double x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, off;
				//get the above variables from external api in CM
				x1 *= 10; y1 *= 10; z1 *= 10;
				x2 *= 10; y2 *= 10; z2 *= 10;
				off *= 10;
				ON_3dPoint start = ON_3dPoint(x1,y1,z1); 
				ON_3dPoint end = ON_3dPoint(x2,y2,z2);
				ON_3dPoint z3 = ON_3dPoint(x2 + 10, y2 + 10, z2 + 10);
				if (start.x == end.x && start.z == end.z)
					z3.x = x2+10; z3.y = y2; z3.z = z2;
				else if (start.y == end.y && start.z == end.z)
					z3.x = x2; z3.y = y2+10; z3.z = z2;
				else if (start.x == end.x && start.y == end.y)
					z3.x = x2; z3.y = y2; z3.z = z2+10;
				const double dist = start.DistanceTo(end);
				ON_Plane pln = ON_Plane(start,end,z3);
				dim->SetPoint(0, ON_2dPoint(0,0));
				dim->SetPoint(1, ON_2dPoint(0,off));
				dim->SetPoint(2, ON_2dPoint(dist,0));
				dim->SetPoint(3, ON_2dPoint(dist,off));
				ON_TextLog errlog;
					ONX_Model_Object &mo = model.m_object_table.AppendNew();
					mo.m_object = dim;
					mo.m_bDeleteObject = true;
					mo.m_attributes.m_layer_index = from_external_api;
					dim = 0;
				delete dim;

############ end code

Hi @rajeev,

I have not tested this. But this should work.

static bool Internal_AddDimLinear(
  ONX_Model& model,
  ON_3dPoint point0,
  ON_3dPoint point1,
  ON_3dPoint line_point,
  ON_3dVector plane_normal,
  const ON_DimStyle* dim_style,
  const ON_3dmObjectAttributes* attributes
  if (nullptr == dim_style)
    const ON_ModelComponentReference& dim_style_ref = model.CurrentDimensionStyle();
    dim_style = ON_DimStyle::Cast(dim_style_ref.ModelComponent());

  if (nullptr == dim_style)
    return false;

  const ON_UUID parent_id
    = dim_style->ParentIdIsNotNil()
    ? dim_style->ParentId()
    : dim_style->Id();

  const ON_ModelComponentReference& parent_dim_style_ref = model.DimensionStyleFromId(parent_id);
  const ON_DimStyle* parent_dim_style = ON_DimStyle::Cast(parent_dim_style_ref.ModelComponent());
  if (nullptr == parent_dim_style)
    return false;

  ON_DimLinear dim_linear;
  if (nullptr == ON_DimLinear::CreateAligned(point0, point1, line_point, plane_normal, parent_dim_style->Id(), &dim_linear))
    return false;

  if (dim_style->ContentHash() != parent_dim_style->ContentHash())
    ON_DimStyle* override_style = new ON_DimStyle(*dim_style);
    override_style->OverrideFieldsWithDifferentValues(*dim_style, *parent_dim_style);
    if (override_style->HasOverrides())
      delete override_style;

  if (nullptr == attributes)
    attributes = &ON_3dmObjectAttributes::DefaultAttributes;

  // 'model' will copy input and manage this memory
  const ON_ModelComponentReference& geometry_ref = model.AddModelGeometryComponent(&dim_linear, attributes);
  return !geometry_ref.IsEmpty();

– Dale

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Thank you dale. It was really helpful in understanding the new concepts.

Hi @dale,

How is the Diameter Dimension implemented. I am not able to find a DimDiameter class…
Should the ON_DimRadial() class be used instead? Or is it ON_LinearDimension().


Hi @rajeev,

To creae a diameter dimension, use ON_DimRadial.

– Dale