February 2, 2024, 3:35am
Why do I use openNurbs to generate.3dm files that can only run on Rhino7, but Rhino5 fails.How do I make the generated.3DM fit all versions
(Nathan 'jesterKing' Letwory)
February 2, 2024, 11:14am
You have to specify the Rhino version you want to write for. If you want to retain data features that are for 7 you will have to write separately files for rhino 6, rhino 5 etc.
if (HasErrorsOrWarnings(dump, "reading input file"))
return 1;
// print diagnostic
dump->Print("Successfully read.\n");
// Write file
model.m_sStartSectionComments = "Converted by example_convert.exe";
bool outrc = model.Write(output, version, dump);
if (HasErrorsOrWarnings(dump, "writing output file\n"))
return 1;
if (outrc)
dump->Print("model.Write(%s) succeeded.\n", static_cast<const char*>(output));
ONX_Model model2;
if (model2.Read(output, dump))
dump->Print("model2.Read(%s) succeeded.\n", static_cast<const char*>(output));
for how to specify, assuming you are using C++ here to write those files.